p-ISSN: 1857-4149 |
e-ISSN: 2953-6812 |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
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MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THE JOURNAL Type of Journal: Academic/Scholar Journal Frequency: biannual Open Access: yes Policy: double blind peer-reviewed Last Submission and Review System used by the journal: ManuscriptLink (from February 2024) Types and Volume of Published Materials: (from 2009 till 2012) research papers (4000 words), research sheets, essays, reviews, translations, poems, books and essays presentations and analysis; (from 2013 till 2024) research papers (including 4000 words), research sheets (including 1700-2200 words), essays (including 4000 words), reviews (including 1700-2200 words), books and issues presentations and analysis (including 1700-2200 words) Article Processing Charges: no publication fee / submission fee - yes Journal Creative Commons License: CC-BY-ND 4.0 Journal Identifiers: ISSN 1857-4149 (Print) & 2953-6812 (Online), DOI https://doi.org/10.62413/lc, UDC for every published masnuscript Journal Last Moldavian Rank: B Journal Impact Factor: yes Founder: Alecu Russo Balti State University Country: Republic of Moldova Publisher: Presa universitara balteana (from January 2009 till September 2021), Centrul editorial universitar (in English: Alecu Russo Balti State University Press) – from October 2021 Imprint: Centrul editorial universitar Sponsor: Canton of Basel-Stadt, Switzerland (from 2011) Journal Style: APA Style 7th Edition Languages of Publication: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, and Romanian (from January 2009 till May 2013); English, French, and German (from May 2013) Fields: Speech Communication, Linguistics, Comparative / Contrastive Linguistics, Translation Theory, Applied Linguistics, Computer Linguistics, Semiotics, Literary Semiotics, Literary Science, Comparative / Contrastive Literary Studies, Language Culture Studies Topics: Overview of signs, speech and communication: overview of sign; overview of speech; speech aspects; overview of communication and speech act; sense and signification in communication; intention in communication; speech intelligibility; Types of sign, speech and interactional mechanisms in communication: icons; indexes; symbols; speech act in everyday communication; mimic and gestures in communication; language for specific purposes; sense and signification in media communication; audio-visual language/ pictorial language; language of music / language of dance; speech in institutional area; verbal language in cultural context; languages and communication within the European community; (Literary) language and social conditioning: ideology and language identity; language influences; morals and literary speech; collective mentality and literary image; (auto)biographic writings, between individual and social; voices, texts, reprezentation; Language, context, translation: role of context in translation; types of translation; Languages and literatures teaching and learning Visibility: indexed in prestigious International Scientific Databases: yes, listed in prestigious International Scientific Databases: yes, included in the World Libraries and Catalogs: yes, included in Academic / Scholar Libraries: yes, included in repositories, on platforms and portals: yes Member of Committee on Publication Ethics: yes First Year Publication: 2009 Format: Print & Online Submitted Manuscripts (from January 2009 till January 2024): 578 from 26 countries Review Time: three weeks approximately Published Manuscripts (from January 2009 till January 2024): 325 from 26 countries Acceptance Rate (from January 2009 till January 2024): 56,22 % Publication Dates: May, December Advance Access: yes l MOST READ AND DOWNLOADED ARTICLES VIA ZENODO: Negocierea rolurilor comunicative in romana vorbita actualaDe la traditionalism la modernism in abordarea rationalului si irationaluluiLa refutation, strategie argumentative de l'editorial politiqueElemente autobiografice in productia lirica a lui Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu
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