p-ISSN: 1857-4149 |
e-ISSN:2953-6812 |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
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Archive |
ISSUE 1 (I) 2009 |
Material author: |
Наталья ХАЛИНА / Natalya HALINA |
Material title: |
Material language of publication: |
Russian |
Material title in English: |
Linguistic Liberalism and the Modernization of the Idea-Speech Cycle |
Material abstract: |
Liberal modernization of cycle in Russia after the President¢s elections in 2008 consists of government influence on communicative process with different information spheres. The principles of linguistic liberalism modify the language consciousness and form the technological attitude to the Russian word and Russian language as it is. There are several forms of government communication with the Russian language speaker based on the principles of the linguistic liberalism: 1) language management priority (not the language culture); 2) the introduction of the new language frame based on the system of transition; 3) item language invention as the basic one that needs special utterances and belief; 4) functional distribution of the linguistic mind through the distribution of the badly consciousness; 5) the expansion of the social demand on the communication form and the linguistic sign. |
Material keywords: |
modernization, liberalism, language, communication, speaker, priority, frame |
Material references: |
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Material pages: |
89-100 |
Material full text |
in PDF |
Material type: |
Research Paper |
Material fields: |
Linguistics, Semiotics |
Material topic: |
Types of Speech and Interactional Mechanisms in Communication |
Material UDC: |
811.161.1`246.2(470) |
Material DOI: |
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Material citations in other publications |
© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com |