p-ISSN: 1857-4149 |
e-ISSN: 2953-6812 |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
Publication Policies and Procedures |
Archive |
ISSUE 1 (I) 2009 |
Material author: |
2953-6812Material title: |
Material language of publication: |
French |
Material title in English: |
The Refutation - an Argumentative Strategy of the Political Editorial |
Material abstract: |
In argumentative rhetorics, refutation refers to either a part of the rhetorical system or an argumentative strategy. This article discusses refutation as an argumentative strategy. The study is based on some French political editorials of different political views, such as «L'Humanite», «Liberation», «Le Monde», «Le Point» and «Le Figaro», and articles refering to the presidential election campaign that took place in France in 2007. |
Material keywords: |
rhetorics, refutation, argumentation, editorial, election |
Material references: |
Ammosy, R. (2006). L’argumentation dans le discours (2e ed). Editions Armand Colin. Aristote. (1969). Les refutations sophistiquees. Editions Vrin. Breton, Ph. (2008). Convaincre sans manipuler. Editions La Découverte. Buffon, B. (2002). La parole persuasive. Editions PUF. Charaudeau, P., Maingueneau, D. (2002). Dictionnaire d’analyse du discours. Editions du Seuil. Ducrot, O. (1983). Le dire et le dit. Editions du Minuit. Ducrot, O., Ascombre, C. (1982). L’argumentation dans la langue. Editions Mardaga. Krieg-Planque, A. (1999). Vacance argumentative : l’usage de sic dans la presse d’extreme droite. Mots. In : Les langages du politique, 58. Moescheler, J. (1985). Argumentation et conversation. Eléments pour une analyse pragmatique du discours. Editions Hatier. Moescheler, J. (1996). Theorie pragmatique et pragmatique conversationnelle. Editions Armand Colin. Moeschler, J. (1981). Discours polemique, refutation et resolution des sequences conversationnelles. In : Etudes de linguistique appliquee, 44, 40-69. Moeschler, J. (1982c). Dire et contredire. Pragmatique de la negation et acte de refutation dans la conversation. Peter Lang. Moeschler, J., Reboul, A. (1994). Dictionnaire encyclopedique de pragmatique. Editions du Seuil. Moeschler, J., Spengler, N. (1982a). La concession ou la refutation interdite. In: Cahiers de linguistique française, 4, 7-33. Moeschler, J., Spengler, N. (1982b). Quand même : De la concession à la réfutation. In : Cahier de linguistique française, 2. Plantin, Ch. (2005). L’argumentation. Editions PUF. Robrieux, J.-J. (2000). Rhetorique et argumentation. Editions Armand Colin. Tuţescu, M. (2005). L’argumentation. Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti. |
Material pages: |
79-88 |
Material full text |
in PDF |
Material type: |
Research Paper |
Material fields: |
Linguistics, Semiotics |
Material topic: |
Types of Speech and Interactional Mechanisms in Communication |
Material UDC: |
811.133.1`276.6:32 |
Material DOI: |
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Material citations in other publications |
© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com |