p-ISSN: 1857-4149 |
e-ISSN: 2953-6812 |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
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Archive |
ISSUE 1 (I) 2009 |
Material author: |
2953-6812Material title: |
Material language of publication: |
Romanian |
Material title in English: |
Examining Lexical Means of Expressing Intention in French Literary Texts |
Material abstract: |
The present study focuses on the analysis of the units denoting intention in French literary texts. The problem of intention is examined from the pragmatic, functional and semantic viewpoints. |
Material keywords: |
intention, texts, pragmatics, function, semantics |
Material references: |
Baylon, C., Mignot, X. (2000). Initiation a la semantique du langage. Editions Nathan HER. Bell, R. (2000). Teoria si practica traducerii. Editura Polirom. Constatinescu-Dobribor, Gh. (1998). Dictionar de termeni lingvistici. Editura Teora. Cook, G. (1995). Discourse and Literature. Oxford University Press. Cuilenburg van J. J., Scholten, O., Noomen, G. W. (1998). Stiinta comunicarii. Editura Humanitas. Ellis, D. G. (1992). From Language to Communication. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Fuchs, C., Le Goffic, P. (1992). Les linguistiques contemporaines (reperes theoriques). Editions Hachette Livre. Maingueneau, D. (1976). Initiation aux methodes de l’analyse du discours. Editions Hachette. Robert, P. (1994). Le grand Robert de la langue francaise (2e éd). Editions Hachette. Rumleanschi, M. (1997). L’intention communicative: genese et manifestation. In : Analele Stiintifice ale universitatii „Alecu Russo” (Vol. XVIII). Editura Universitara. Slama-Cazacu, T. (1999). Psiholingvistica. Editura All Educational. Widdowson, H. G. (2007). Discourse Analysis. Oxford University Press. |
Material pages: |
29-36 |
Material full text |
in PDF |
Material type: |
Research Paper |
Material fields: |
Linguistics, Semiotics |
Material topic: |
Communicative Intention |
Material type: |
Research Paper |
Material UDC: |
811.133.1’37 |
Material DOI: |
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Material citations in other publications |
© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com |