p-ISSN: 1857-4149



Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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ISSUE 1 (I) 2009

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Material title in English:

Using Linguistic and Pragmatic Approaches in the Textual and Discursive Studies of Reference (Theory, Retrospectives and Prospectives)

Material abstract:

The linguistic-pragmatic approach presents the reference as an act of language which, according to the language theory of the J. C. Milner, distinguishes between virtual reference, independent of linguistic expression, equivalent to the lexical meaning of expression, and the current reference, determined, each time, context-sensitive. The linguistic perspective takes into account the models of the linguistic sign: on the one hand, the binary model proposed by F. de Saussure and L. Hjelmslev, and referring to the structuring one, and, on the other hand, the triadic model of Odgen-Richards, Frege, Morris and Peirce. The context, in all the meanings it covers, will play a decisive role in the analysis/interpretation of the textual-discursive phenomena.

Material keywords:

linguistics, pragmatics, study, signification, context, sign, text/discourse

Material references:

Benveniste, E. (2000). Probleme de lingvistica generala (vol. I). Editura Teora.

Coquet, J.-C. (1991). Realite et principe d’immanance. In : Langages, 103, 23-35.

Coseriu, E. (1989). Determination y entorno. In: Teoria del lenguaje y linguistica general. Editorial Gredos.

Coseriu, E. (1994). Prelegeri si conferinte. Supliment al revistei Anuar de lingvistica si istorie literara”. T. XXXIII. 1992–1993. Iasi.

Coseriu, E. (2000). Lectii de lingvistica generala. Editura Arc.

Milner, J.-C. (1982). Ordre et raisons de langue. Editions du Seuil.

Moeschler, J., Reboul, A. (1999). Dictionar enciclopedic de pragmatica. Editura Echinox.

Munteanu, M. (2006). Semantica textului si problema referintei nominale. Editura Accent.

Parret, H. (1983). Semiotics and Pragmatics. An Evaluative Comparison of Conceptual Framework. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Peirce, Ch. S. (1990). Semnificatie si actiune. Editura Humanitas.

Reboul, A., Moeschler, J. (1998). Pragmatique du discours. Editions Armand Colin.

Roventa-Frumusani, D. (1999). Semiotica, societate, cultura. Editura Institutul European.

Saussure de, F. (1998). Curs de lingvistica generala. Editura Polirom.

Sperber, D., Wilson, D. (1989). La pertinence. Communication et cognition. Editions de Minuit.

Vlad, C. (2003). Textul aisberg. Teorie si analiza lingvistico-semiotica (editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita). Editura Casa Cartii de Stiinta.

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Material fields:

Linguistics, Semiotics

Material topic:

Overview of Sign

Material type:

Research Paper

Material UDC:

UDC 81’22+81`24

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