p ISSN: 1857-4149 |
e ISSN: |
Speech and Context |
International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science |
Publication Policies and Procedures Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement |
Archive |
VOLUME 2(IV)2012 |
Fields: |
Linguistics, Semiotics, Comparative Linguistics, Literary Science |
Topics: |
Types of signs, speech and interaction mechanisms in communication; (Literary) language and social conditioning |
Languages of Publication: |
English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian |
DOI: |
Cover: |
in PDF |
Full text: |
in PDF |
Pages: |
156 |
Contents: |
Елена Анашкина, Влияние прагматических факторов на функционирование тропов в художественном дискурсе / Elena Anaskina, The Influence of Pragmatic Factors on the Functioning of Trops in Literary Discourse Gina Maciuca, Tipuri de relatii macrosistemice in cadrul SVF: abordare contrastiva in limbile romana, germana, engleza, italiana si spaniola / Types of Macrosystemic Relationships in SVF: Contrastive Approach in Romanian, German, English, Italian and Spanish Adela Novac, Verbul pronominal: structura si clasificare / Pronominal Verb: Structure and Classification Marina Teterina, The Use of Gendered Pronouns with Animal Referents in English Elena Ungureanu, @ – Simbol al comunicării online / @ as an Online Communication Symbol Екатерина Исаева, Метафоры в дискурсе компьютерной вирусологии / Ekaterina Isaeva, Metaphor in Computer Virology Discourse Gergana Atanasova Petkova, Names of Saints, Protecting People from Diseases and Health Problems, Latin by Origin Вячеслав Долгов, Детерминологизация номинанта концепта «юродивый» в русской языковой картине мира / Vaceslav Dolgov, Determining the Concept of holy fool in the Russian Mentality Марина Туницька, Семантико-граматичні типи фразеологізмів в художній тканині новели Василя Стефаника „Камінний хрест” / Marina Tunic'ka, Semantic-grammatical Types of Phraseological Units in the novella of Vasily Stephanik ''Stone Cross" Сталина Степанюк, Сопоставительный анализ семантико-функциональных особенностей русского глагола «иметь» и его иноязычных эквивалентов / Stalina Stepanuk, Comparative Analysis of Semantic-functional Features of the Russian Verb «to have» and its Equivalents in other Languages Angela Cosciug, Unele consideratii de ordin general asupra sistemelor vocalice ale limbilor franceza si germana / Vocalic System of French and German from a General Point of View Tatiana Gorea, Maia Slivinschi, Diana Nicov, Algunas reflexiones sobre contaminacion excesiva con unidades externas: caso del espanol, ruso y rumano / On the Excessive Borrowing: case of Spanish, Russian and Romanian Лариса Пох, Рассказ А. П. Чехова «Чёрный монах» и его интерпретация / Larisa Poh, A. P. Chekhov's Story «Black Monk» and its Interpretation Екатерина Никулча, Сила любви — «обыкновенное чудо»?! (на материале пьесы Евгения Шварца «Обыкновенное чудо») / The Power of Love as an «Ordinary Miracle»?! (on the Material of Eugene Schwartz’s Play «Ordinary miracle») |
© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com |