p ISSN: 1857-4149



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International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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Journal Materials by Languages of Publication


Nicoleta Baghici, The Legal Language as a Semiotic System

Elena Baraboi, Bringing Moldovan Novels to Quebec— Possibility or Utopia?

Catalina Balinisteanu, The Fabrication of Tess of the d’Urbervilles as Femme Fatale

Ioana Boghian, Reconstructing Fragments of Charles Dickens’(Auto)biography through “David Copperfield”

Ioana Boghian, The Romanian Traditional Oven: Cultural Practices and Significations

Ioana Boghian, The Victorian House: Icon, Index, Symbol

Vladimir Brajuc, The Reflective Hero in Russian Literature and Soviet Cinema (from Onegin and Oblomov to Zilov)

Brogden, Lace Marie. An Outsider View / A vue d’aigle: Negotiating Linguistic Spaces in Multilingual Europe

Svetlana Calaras, Terms and Texts: the Functionality of Editorial-Polygraphic Terms

Viorica Condrat, Conversation Analysis in “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

Viorica Condrat, Intertextuality in William Somerset Maugham’s Short Story “A Friend in Need”

Liliana Cosulean,  Practical Uses of Corpus Tools in the Psychology Classroom

Veaceslav Dolgov, Elements of the Pagan Code in the Poetics of Guzel Yakhina’s Novel ”Zuleikha Opens her Eyes”

Bernard Mulo Farenkia, De rien ma puce ! C’est entre nous !’ Responding to Thanks in Cameroon French

Ecaterina Foghel, Synthetic Outlook on Modern Theories on Concepts

Vera Frolova, Greek Borrowings in the Religious Style of Worship in Russian and Moldavian/Romanian Orthodox Church

Fee-Alexandra Haase, The Composite of Spoken and Written Speech. The Deipnosophists of “Athenaeus” as a Medium of the Invention and Documentation of Sources on Rhetorics between Fictionality and Factuality

Fee-Alexandra Haase, “Us and Them”: Studies of the Hierarchy of Opposites of the Global Business Communication Settings and Cultures and Binary Structures in Intercultural Communication Theories

Natalia Halina, The Language Generative Philosophy of Vladimir Dal

Luminita Hoarta Carausu, Ways of Achieving ‘Modalization’ in the Romanian Contemporary Media Discourse. Case Study

Viktoriya Karpukhina, Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Semiotic Codes of Mikhail Bulgakov’s Satire

Andonia Kutsarova, Maia Andonova, A Look into the Role of ICT in Foreign Language Learning

Mihaela Munteanu Siserman, Anamaria Falaus, Translational Perspectives on Some Linguistic Structures of the Biblical Discourse: a Comparative-Contrastive Analysis (Romanian, French and English)

Ioana-Iulia Olaru, The Visual Language of Paleo-Christian Painting Before ”Paix de l'église

Rahim Ombashi, Collective Mentality and Literary Image

Florentina Patran, Functional-Semantic Features of the Lexicon in the Oil and Gas Field: Petrol Microfield

Anca Mariana Pegulescu, English between ENL and ELF

Gergana Petkova, Belorussian Masculine Person Names, Derived from a Roman Name

Gergana Petkova, Vanya Ivanova, Canonized Masculine Polish Proper Names of Latin Origin and Their Bulgarian Equivalents

Gergana Petkova, Vanya Ivanova, Croatian Masculine Proper Names of Latin Origin and Their Equivalents of Croatian Origin

Gergana Petkova, Czech Male Proper Names with Latin Origin

Gergana Petkova, Vanya Ivanova, Polish Proper Names Derived from a Latin Mythological Name

Gergana Petkova, Slavonic Person Names, Derived from a Roman Agnomen

Gergana Petkova, Slovenian Masculine Proper Names with Latin Origin

Delia Anamaria Rachisan, The March Amulet in Transylvania

Gherghe Savoiu, Entreprise, Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship - The Main Semantic Chain in Contemporary Economics

Halyna Semen, Iryna Muradkhanian, Lesia Hladkoskok, Teaching English in Higher Establishments of Romania

Valentina Smatov, Mihail Rumleanschi, Public Speaking Culture

Micaela Taulean, Developing Communicative Skills Using Collage as a Technique in the EFL Classroom

Micaela Taulean, On Some Drama Techniques for Intercultural Education in EFL Classroom

Marina Teterina, Analysis of the Cognitive Metaphor Nature is Woman’ in the Modern Anglo-American Culture

Mahmood Yenkimaleki, Why Prosody Awareness Training is Necessary in Training Future Interpreters?

English and Romanian

Luiza Sosu, M. Eminescu, Luceafarul

Luiza Sosu, Si daca / Whenever Twigs


Bogatu, Rodica. Petite histoire des relations entre la France et les Roumains, entre la litterature roumaine et celle francaise

Irina Breahna, La signification prosodique dans une perspective gricéenne et post-griceenne

Anjela Cosciug, Le roman d’Adrienne Senecal «Le Notaire Jofliau» face a une possible traduction en roumain

Dragan, Elena. Une grammaire de la traduction

Ebru Eren, Irina Postolachi-Josan, Les politiques educatives intervenant dans le cadre de la didactique du francais en Turquie et en Moldavie: perspectives et etat des lieux

Ion Gutu, La symbologie – enjeux epistemologiques et methodologiques

Bernard Mulo Farenkia, De la compétence pragmatique en langue seconde : une étude des réponses aux compliments en français L1 et L2 en contexte canadien

Mulo Farenkia, Bernard. La volubilite expressive en action: comment les Camerounais francophones repondent au compliment

Ecaterina Foghel, De la vertu dans une perspective conceptuelle et historique

Ilinca, Cristina. La refutation, strategie argumentative de l’editorial politique

Maricela Strungariu, Michel Leiris: De la quete de soi au refuge dans l’imaginaire

M’Feliga Yedibahoma, Francais de la diplomatie et plateforme pedagogique interactive


Sebastian Barth, Deutschland Während der Renaissancezeit als Folie für Thomas Manns Faustusroman / Germany during the Renaissance as a Foil for Thomas Mann's Faustus Novel

Balinisteanu, Catalina. Die Definierung der Identitat des “Blauen Engels”

Oxana Chira, Gastronomie als nationales Identitatselement: rumanische Kultur und Phraseologie / Gastronomy as a National Identity Element: Romanian Culture and Phraseology

Chira, Oxana. Symbole und ihr Gebrauch in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen

Irina Ciornaia, Der Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach als Vorlaufer des Bildungsromans / "Parzival" by Wolframs von Eschenbach as a Predecessor of the Bildungsroman

Bernard Mulo Farenkia, Von 'Bonjour, Monsieur !' zu 'Guten tag, Herr !': Texte kamerunischer Germanisten als Instanzen des Sprach-und Kulturkontakts

Vera Frolova, Russland: Literatur im Konflikt mit Autoritarem und mit Burokratie - zwischen Schmerz und Gleichgultigkeit

Pomelnicova, Ana. Sprachvergleich Deutsch-Rumanisch. Eine kontrastive Fehleranalyse


Lelia Trocan, Caleidoscopio: a dialetica do real e da poesia / Caleidoscope: The Dialectics of the Real and of the Poetry

Lelia Trocan, Exame Critico em Questao / Critical Examination in Question


Daniela Butnaru, Oral /vs/ scris in toponimie

Grigore Cantemir, Paralelism intre romanescul „a avea” si frantuzescul „avoir”

Ligia Ghilea, Imagine, muzica si sens in limbajul publicitar

Hoarta Carausu, Luminita. Negocierea rolurilor comunicative in romana vorbita actuala

Luminita Hoarta Carausu, Retorica si pragmatica publicistica. „Figuri de constructie” si strategii persuasive in titlurile de articole din presa romaneasca actuala

Luminita Hoarta Carausu, Semnificatiile limbajului gestual

Cosciug, Anjela. De la traditionalism la modernism in abordarea rationalului si irationalului

Angela Cosciug, Particularitati lexico-semantice ale unitatilor individualizatoare in textele biblice, in variantele ebraica (aramaica), franceza si romana

Cozmulici, Alisa. Barocul si opera cantemiriana

Dragoi, Mirela. Elemente autobiografice in productia lirica a lui Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu

Marta Istrati, Conflictul lingvistic – o consecinta a bilingvismului diglosic. Situatia din Republica Moldova

Istrati, Marta. Ideologia diglosica in Republica Moldova

Gina Maciuca, Interferente lingvistice germano-romanice

Gheorghe Savoiu, Paradigma si prioritatea acesteia in raport cu metoda, in cadrul gandirii statistice

Munteanu Siserman, Mihaela. Perspective lingvistico-pragmatice in abordarea textual-discursiva a referintei (consideratii teoretice, retrospective si de perspectiva)

Ioana-Iulia Olaru, Utilitarism si propaganda – toreutica romana antica

Veronica Pacuraru, Recenzie

Georgiana Elisabeta Panait, Poeme

Anca Mariana Pegulescu, Relativismul lingvistic in proverbe

Virginia Popovic, Elemente sarbe in subdialectul si literatura din Banat

Lilia Raciula, Semn lingval / Semn poetic / Simbol

Lilia Raciula, Variabilitatea unor grupuri nominale din lirica stanesciana

Sandu, Silvia. Consideratii asupra mijloacelor lexicale de exprimare a intentiei in textul literar francez

Daniela Vladu, Traducerea de poezie – un demers infam de seducator


Ирина Булгакова, Cинтагматический аспект глаголов со значением ’обрабатывать’ в современном немецком языке

Анжела Кощуг, (По)хвала и порицание в библейском тексте (попытка прагматического анализа)

Екатерина Никулча, рнавальное начало и театральность — (идея, стиль, язык) — в художественном тексте произведения Э. Т. А. Гофмана, Н. В. Гоголя, М. А. Булгакова)

Халина, Наталья. Лингвистический либерализм и модернизация идеоречевого цикла

Наталья Халина, Экономическая рецепция обстоятельств жизни: язык как маркетинг-структура

Гажева, Инна. Динамические метафорические модели в художественном дискурсе младосимволистов (на материале «Симфоний» Андрея Белого)

Екатерина Никулча, Стилистико-языковые аспекты в эстетике художественного творчества во взаимосвязи с философскими и психологическими теориями (Ф. Шеллинг, Э.Т.А. Гофман, Ф. Ницше, З. Фрейд)

Иван Смирнов, К вопросу о мотивации употребления Л.Н. Толстым отдельных французских слов и лексико-грамматических структур в романе «Война и мир»

Иван Смирнов, Смысловое взаимодействие исконной лексики и заимствованного cловa

© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com