Activități 2020-2021

This March we celebrated women. We were pleased that not only our students but also high school students got interested in our online event. We saw the role-models our learners have. The stories of the women they shared are the stories of kindness, courage, patience, success, faith, love, resilience, individuality, confidence, and originality. These inspirational figures can inspire others to dream for more, and to achieve more. We would like to announce our winners: Cristina Postolachi, Olga Goncear, Virginia Guțu, Nicolina Revenco, Veronica Gușan, Maria Codreanu, Ana Șpiniuc, and Emilia Șveț. Keep up the good work!
The 7th Virtual International Spring Symposium “Empowering English Language Educators Through Action Research” was organized by the English and German Philology Department of Alecu Russo Bălți State University , in collaboration with the Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages, the American Center from Bălți and TESOL Ukraine. The event was held online on March 26-27, 2021 and aimed to bring together professionals from Moldova, Romania, the USA, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and France to discuss new concepts, trends and developments in Language Education. The participants got to know the benefits of doing action research. It helped them get a better understanding concerning the way action research can inform their language education choices as well as help them scaffold their students’ learning.
March, 2021. Announcement.
It’s March and it’s Women’s Month. Last year we raised awareness of #feminism, what it is and what it is not. We got familiarized with what #GenerationEquality means and how important it is for all to live in a society where all people’s rights are respected. This March we would like to know #HerStory. We know there are women who have inspired you to dare for more, women who set an example to follow, women who had the grit and determination to realize their dreams. So let us know #HerStory as well. Let us get inspired, too.
We would like to challenge you to take part in our competition. Think of a creative way to let the whole world know your hero, #HerStory. It can be in the form of a video, or a poster. It’s up to you! We will post your creations on our Facebook Page and we will announce the winners on March 31st. Let’s celebrate #HerStory together and let’s promote the values of #equity. Start today! We’re looking forward to your contribution to our celebration of #HerStory.
March 2nd, 2021. CPD Training. Day 4.
The last day of the CPD training turned out to be very intense and full of unexpected challenges. S. Bogdan engaged the trainees to delve into the nature of emotional intelligence and explore how learners can enhance their knowledge of English through social-emotional learning. The four-day training (February 26-27, and March 1-2, 2021) was held as part of the Youth Voices Conveyed Through Written and Spoken Word Project, supported and funded by the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Moldova. The event was organized in collaboration with the English and German Philology Department, USARB.  
#YouthVoicesConveyedThroughWrittenAndSpokenWordProject, #CPDTraing, #CatedraDeFilologieEnglezăȘiGermană #USARB #CFEG

March 1st, 2021. CPD Training. Day 3.
It was an inspiring day for the trainees as they were challenged to activate their creativity and critical thinking, in spite of the fact that they all had a busy day. The trainees were empowered to integrate creativity and critical thinking skills within and across all content areas and provide learners with repeated opportunity to practice higher order thinking.

February 27th, 2021. CPD Training: Day 2.

Day 2 of the CPD Training within the Project “Youth Voices through Written and Spoken Word”.
Today we continued our interaction with the inspired language educators from the Northern part of our country. We were delighted to see their enthusiasm and willingness to engage in the process of continuous development. They shared their experience regarding the challenges they face in their classrooms and the way they look for solutions to solve them and make their educational process motivating and engaging. They emphasized the urgent need of adapting their process to meet the needs of the 21st century learner.
Our presenters, Viorica Condrat and Elena Varzari, delivered presentations meant to offer viable solutions to some of the problems teachers might face in their classrooms. The shared belief is that language educators should be empowered to make informed choices in their language education process. An autonomous teacher is a responsible teacher!

February 26th, 2021. CPD Training: Day 1.

It was a very productive day where English language educators reflected and discussed the requirements for a new generation of school textbooks (English A1.1 – English A2.2). The trainers focused on showing how current changes in English methodology were applied to developing a new series of textbooks in English. English language educators got a new perspective on how to use project work, planning project activities following the smart goal principle.
The trainers focused on how to improve learners’ writing skills. Do we use process approach or product approach to writing while teaching writing at different levels? What are the do’s and don’ts of a good writing? How do we create meaning when we write? These are just a few insights of the issues discussed in today’s CPD training.

February, 2021. Announcement.

A series of online workshops on CPD will start on February 26th, 2021 as part of the Youth Voices Conveyed through Spoken and Written Word project, financially supported by the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Moldova. Experienced English language educators from the English Philology Department, Alecu Russo Balti State University, will share their best practices and ideas in a four-day virtual space.
February 20th, 2021: YouthTech Training Results
We are delighted to announce the results of the YouthTech Training, which was held as part of the Youth Voices Conveyed through Written and Spoken Word project, financially supported by the US Embassy in Moldova. Project participants were challenged to explore new digital tools enabling them to create e-books and video recordings and place them on the GitHub platform. They demonstrated their creativity, originality and expertise in using digital tools to showcase their skills.
Today’s winners in e-book category are: Artiom Guja (A. S. Pushkin Theoretical Lyceum, Dondușeni),  Natalia Baraga (A. S. Pushkin Theoretical Lyceum, Dondușeni), teacher Dorina Railean, Ion Bondac (M. Eminescu Theoretical Lyceum, Bălți), teacher Viorica Ciobanu, Mirela Marchitan (USARB, student).
Video recording category: Mirela Marchitan (USARB, student) and Artiom Guja (A. S. Pushkin Theoretical Lyceum, Dondușeni).
The project team appreciates the participants’ hard work and engagment, as well as the teachers’ involvement in project activities.

We express our gratitude to the US Embassy in Moldova for constant support and interest in motivating the young to acquire life skills. 
YouthTech Training, February12-13, 2021 
Text:  The virtual YouthTech training was held on February12-13, 2021 as part of the Youth Voices Conveyed through Spoken and Written Word project. The main aim of the event was to provide the trainees with the opportunity to upskill and gain more experience in the digital field and upgrade their knowledge of English in a user-friendly and interactive learning environment. The organizers of this event appreciate the teachers’ and students’ efforts and enthusiasm to do their best and participate actively in all the activities. The Youth Voices Conveyed through Spoken and Written Word

February, 2021. Announcement.

Dear all, we are pleased to announce that the annual Spring Symposium will take place on March 26-27, 2021. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the symposium!
You can register here

This year’s symposium will be devoted to Action Research in Language Education. We will look at ways Action Research empowers teachers to reach their learning objectives. It is our belief that Action Research can inform language educators in terms of how to solve language education problems in their classrooms.

This event is part of the project ”Youth Voices Conveyed through Written and Spoken Word”, funded by the US Department of State.

11 decembrie 2020

Conferința științifică națională „Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice și practice”, Ediţia a VII-a, s-a desfășurat la 11 decembrie a.c. la Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălți.
Cu un cuvânt de salut au venit prorectorul pentru activitatea științifică și relații internaționale conf. univ., dr. Valentina PRIȚCAN, decanul Facultăţii de Litere, conf. univ., dr. Lilia TRINCA și şefa Catedrei de filologie engleză şi germană, conf. univ., dr. Viorica CEBOTAROȘ.
În cadrul Conferinței au fost susținute două comunicări în plen de dr., conf. univ. Angela Coșciug „Particularités de lecture de la lettre „o” en français contemporain” și de dr., conf. univ., Micaela Țaulean „On strategies for translation of culture-specific items” ce au ținut de tematica actuală din domeniul lingvisticii generale și didactica limbilor străine.
Ulterior, sesiunile de comunicări științifice au avut loc în următoarele ateliere: Lingvistică actuală și pragmatică; Lingvistica şi didactica limbilor străine (limbi germanice) A; Lingvistica şi didactica limbilor străine (limbi germanice) B; Lingvistica şi didactica limbii materne; Literatura în dialog european și universal. Participanții au purtat un dialog științific constructiv, făcând schimb de experiență în predarea și cercetarea online și împărtășind bune practici. O colaborare îmbucurătoare a fost remarcată și cu studenții de la Ciclul I și Ciclul II,  prezenți în ateliere care au avut oportunitatea să cunoască aplicații digitale, surse noi de cercetare din domeniul didacticii, lingvisticii și literaturii universale, metode interactive actuale etc. Tradiționalismul în Catedra de filologie engleză și germană creează o atmosferă propice tinerilor cercetători doctoranzi și masteranzi, favorizând, printre multe altele, formarea atitudinii științifice. Menționăm că evenimentul a fost organizat online și participanții au avut posibilitatea să migreze în toate atelierele de lucru.
În final, moderatorii lect. univ., dr., Elvira GURANDA, lect. univ., dr., Oxana CHIRA, lect. univ., dr., Viorica CONDRAT, conf. univ., dr. Ana POMELNICOVA,  lect. univ., dr., Diana IGNATENCO au prezentat totalurile lucrului în ateliere și au evidențiat faptul că, deși suntem în spațiul virtual, domnește o atmosferă plăcută, încălzită de buna dispoziție a celor pasionați de cuvânt, de filologie, preponderent de limba germană, iar discuțiile desfășurate nu au avut pretenția de a fi exhaustive, ci de a provoca auditoriul în activitatea de cercetare. La Conferința științifică națională „Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice și practice”, Ediţia a VII-a au participat circa 40 de profesori universitari și studenți de la ciclul I (Studii universitare de  licență) și ciclul II (Studii universitare de master).

October 9th, 2020. 

The conference must go on! Our University has successfully adapted its academic life to the new Covid-19 reality. We’ll have our offline meetings back one day. Meanwhile we work, we develop. The members of our department took part in the annual conference organised by our university. They presented the results of their research. The discussions were fruitful and inspiring.

September 18th – 19th, 2020

The 6th International Virtual Symposium entitled Media and Digital Literacy in Language Education was held at Alecu Russo Bălți State University on September 18-19, 2020. The event is part of a larger project, SAFE Media Space, supported financially by the US Department of State through the American Embassy in Moldova and carried out by the Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages (APLIS).
The two-day event brought together 42 language educators from the USA, Romania, Hungary, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova to share the results of their research and experience.
We appreciate the support of Alecu Russo Bălți State University administration for their continuous engagement to sustain our efforts in organizing the Symposium.
We are thankful to the US Embassy Public Affairs Section for the generous support in organizing the Symposium.