Online Book fest Winners! Keep up the good work!
Europe Day!
April, 2020.
We are delighted to invite you to this year’s online Book Fest 2020. All you have to do is to advertise your favourite book in a 3-minute video. Find the way to inspire us to read namely your book.
It has never been easier to take part in a contest!
1. Advertise your favourite book in a 3-minute video.
2. Send it to
Your videos will be posted here.
Important dates:
The videos should be sent till April 30, 2020.
The winners will be announced on May 15, 2020.
The link to the Facebook video: https://www.facebook.
#stau_acasa #stay_safe
Third-year students (and not only) are invited to attend the Language Education Club where we’re going to tackle some of the issues related to the planning process.
28.03.2019. „O carte pentru Tine! Ein Buch für Dich!“
Astăzi, 28.03.2019, a fost organizat evenimentul „O carte pentru Tine! Ein Buch für Dich!“ În persoana Dnei Oxana Chira, gazda acestui eveniment, cei dornici de lectură au avut șansa de a-și completa biblioteca cu o carte în limba germană. Gestul, mai mult decât generos, de a oferi o carte gratis din biblioteca personală i-a impresionat pe studenți, motivându-i să citească în acest secol „virtual”.
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Video aici
‘The yearly spring symposium organized by the English and German Philology Department from Alecu Russo Bălți State University, in collaboration with the Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages and English Resource Center from Bălți, is a two-day event that aims to bring together professionals from Moldova and abroad to discuss new concepts, trends and developments in Language Education (hereafter, LE).
Learners of English Challenged in a Series of Regional Contests
This semester, USARB hosted the English Language Festival, which involved participants from 6 northern regions and students of the English Department. The English Language Festival is a communication platform for learners of the English language in the northern part of Moldova. The Festival provided for a series of events that offered challenges for both high school pupils and university students. Thus, pupils had the opportunity to get acquainted with USARB, to make new friends and to try their skills and luck in a series of contests. At the same time, students of USARB actively helped them to prepare for the performances and quizzes.
One of the most important challenges, faced by USARB students, was their visit to the schools involved in the project. Thus, in the period of 1-13 October, students had a very important mission – to help the English teachers from schools targeted by the project prepare their pupils for the activities of the Festival. It was their first acquaintance with a teacher’s job. Their main objective was to establish a reliable connection with schools and help pupils prepare for the Trivia Quiz and Cultural Diversity Fest. Thus, Lidia Hodacova (SE36), Natalia Darie (FE35) and VasilicaOrac (GE34) went to D. Cantemir and Suhomlinski Lyceums in Edineț. The girls worked together with the teachers of English Natalia Șevciuc and Lilia Gladchih. This collaboration turned out very effective, as the team they trained won two main prizes in the Festival – the First Prize in the Trivia Quiz and the Excellence Award in the Cultural Diversity Fest. Ostaf Anastasia and Chifac Marina (EG34) helped the team of C. Stere Lyceum, Soroca. This team won the prize for the best hand-made cultural symbols. Răilean Iulia and LisnicMarionela (ES 34) travelled to Florești, M. Eminescu Lyceum. Their team won the award for the best musical performance. Postolachi Cristina and Victoria Cebotari visited the lyceum in Căzănești, Telenești district. MihaelaBejireanu and Chilaru Victoria helped the teacher of Olimp Lyceum in Sîngerei, Mrs. Lucia Bursuc, prepare the pupils for the activities of the project. That was the students’ first teaching experience, which left an unforgettable impression in their minds. These students turned out to be very good at planning and organizing the events.
The Festival also provided for such contests as the English Language Olympiad, the Essay Writing Contest, the Poetry Out Recitation Contest, Trivia Quiz and Cultural Diversity Fest. Surprisingly, the contests drew a large number of participants from Bălți and from the regions targeted by the Project. Thus, the English Language Olympiad gathered 86 participants, the Essay Writing Contest – 70, the Poetry Recitation Contest – 37. Considering the number of participants, we can conclude that the competition was rather tough, requiring advanced linguistic, writing, speaking, recitation and cultural competences. In all of these activities, the students worked together with high school pupils and their teachers. Thus, both Trivia Quiz and Cultural Diversity Fest required a close collaboration and lots of communication and hard work to get ready and make a good performance. The Festival helped students, pupils and teachers make new friends, learn new things, share their experience and most importantly, communicate using English.
The activities planned within the project were carefully planned and carried out by LudmilaRăciula, Diana Mirca, VioricaCondrat, Silvia Bogdan, Mikaela Țaulean, Iulia Ignatiuc, all of them teachers of English at the English and German Philology Department. Throughout the project, we actively collaborated with high school teachers from six northern regions: Soroca, Florești, Edineț, Sîngerei and Bălți.
The regional project English Language Festival in the Northern Part of Moldova was implemented by the English language teachers of USARB in collaboration with the Departments of Education of Bălți, Sîngerei, Edineț, Soroca, Florești and Telenești and was possible due to the financial support of the US Embassy in Moldova.
March 2020: Women’s History Month
I know that shattering sociocultural norms is quite challenging, yet not impossible. I believe that each of us can do their best with what they have in the place they are at present to make a difference, to stop gender discrimination. Everything starts with … EDUCATION. So what we should strive for is changing the discriminatory beliefs and values, which do nothing but hamper the progress of a functional society. The role of educators is crucial as they are the ones modeling and shaping the learners’ personalities.
I would like to live in a society that would not impose both girls and boys alike to feel and behave in certain ways based exclusively on the gender they have. I would like to live in a society that will not tell what job is appropriate for a girl and what job is appropriate for a boy. I would like to live in a society that will encourage both girls and boys alike to believe in the beauty of their dreams and encourage them to work hard to realize them.

On February 27th, our teachers Elena Varzari and Viorica Condrat shared the skills they developed while attending the training on ways of developing intercultural education at pre-service teachers organized by Centrul Educațional Pro Didactica. They talked about the importance of mentoring in a pre-service teacher’s professional and personal development. Special emphasis was put on the role of the reflective dialogue, which appears to be the best way of boosting the mentee’s critical thinking, problem solving abilities, and self-learning.
The teachers of the English and German Philology Department were delighted to be part of the Regional English Olympiad held at the Medical School from Balti on February 16th, 2020. They had the opportunity to discover quite a significant number of inspired young people who love English. They strongly believe that the learners’ motivation and engagement will definitely lead to success in life.
On November 19th, 2019, Adam Rosen, Fullbright scholar at USARB, invited the teachers of the English and German philology department to discuss some grammar presentation techniques to be used in the EFL classroom. His valuable experience in presenting perfect tenses was highly appreciated by our teachers.
Atât studenții, cât și lectorii au fost implicați în dezbateri, activități didactice, simulări și studii de caz. Cuvintele cheie repetate în discuțiile protagoniștilor au fost rasism, discriminare, antisimetism, gheto, lagăr de concentrare, nazism, valori sociale etc. Studenții au demonstrat, concomitent, cunoștințe profunde de limbă germană, maturitate, seriozitate, responsabilitate civică și interes față de trecutul istoric. Participanții evenimentului de astăzi au învățat o lecție a trecutului istoric pentru a evita erorile în viitor.
The third seminar that took place on October 17th, 2019 was devoted to the development of effective communicative skills. Our presenter, Viorica Condrat, passed on the tips she got during her participation in the international summer school organized by the University of A Coruna, Spain. The event was meant to help us develop our communicative skills, on the one hand, and help us achieve success in communication.
On October 11th, 2019, our university organized the annual scientific event Colloquia Professorum. The teachers of our department shared some of the results of the research they have conducted. Their enthusiasm and passion about the work they are doing are really inspiring. The students took an active part in the discussion. We hope that they got inspired and they will follow the example of their teachers and find research an engaging and rewarding activity.
On October 3rd, 2019, Silvia Bogdan spoke to us about 3MT. Today’s meeting definitely contributed to the development of our presentation skills, on the one hand, and helped us better organize our ideas in a speech, on the other. The speaker shared the experience she gained during the international summer school at the University A Coruna from Spain.
On September 19th, 2019, Viorica Cebotaros delivered a presentation on how to write an abstract. This presentation was extremely useful for our learners and teachers who actively participated in the follow-up discussion and seemed to finally have understood the technicalities of writing the perfect abstract to their research papers. This presentation is the result of the experience Mrs. Cebotaros had during the International Summer School organized by the University A Coruna from Spain, where she attended a course devoted to Academic Writing.