Studententage an der Fakultät für Philologie

05.04.2022. Săptămâna Studentului la Facultatea de Litere
Prelegere publică cu personalități notorii “Mehrsprachigkeit, Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Interkulturalität”
Prof. Dr. Sara Hägi-Mead “,
Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germania

An der Philologischen Fakultät der Staatlichen Alecu-Russo-Universität wurde am 5. April 2022 eine Vorlesung zum Thema ” Mehrsprachigkeit, Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Interkulturalität” von Prof. Dr. Sara HÄGI-MEAD, Bergische Universität Wuppertal geleitet. Durch Internationalisierung, Globalisierung und Migration sind die europäischen Gesellschaften mehrsprachiger geworden.
Diese Entwicklung wurde in der Vorlesung diskutiert, dass individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit eine wichtige, noch zu wenig gewürdigte kognitiv-kreative Ressource darstellt.
Die Vorlesung von Prof. Dr. Sara HÄGI-MEAD weist darauf hin, dass gesellschaftliche Mehrsprachigkeit, die auch durch das Nebeneinander von nationalen und regionalen Varietäten, von Schriftlichkeit und Mündlichkeit, nur scheinbar die Ausnahme, in Wahrheit jedoch linguistische Normalität sei. Für die Germanistikstudent*innen der Staatlichen Alecu-Russo-Universität wurden in der Vorlesung folgende Begriffe erklärt: „monolingualer Habitus“, „Herkunftssprache“, „Codemixing“, „Spracherwerb“, „linguistische Diversität“, “regionale Varietäten” etc.

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Prelegere publică: 4 aprilie 2022 Emma LANE, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant

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Researchers and practitioners in language education from 11 countries and 25 universities participated in VIII Virtual International Spring Symposium LANGUAGE EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY: PERSPECTIVES, PARADIGMS, PRACTICES, held on March 18-19, 2022 at Alecu Russo Bălți State University.

11.12.2021. Conferința națională „PROBLEME DE FILOLOGIE: ASPECTE TEORETICE ŞI PRACTICE”, ediţia a VIII-a
La 9 decembrie 2021, Catedra de filologie engleză și germană, Facultatea de Litere USARB a organizat conferința națională „PROBLEME DE FILOLOGIE: ASPECTE TEORETICE ŞI PRACTICE”, ediţia a VIII-a.
Alocuțiuni de deschidere:
Valentina PRIȚCAN, conf. univ., dr., prorector pentru activitatea științifică și relații internaționale, Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălți
Lilia TRINCA, conf. univ., dr., decan, Facultatea de Litere
Oxana CHIRA, conf. univ., dr., şef catedră, Catedra de filologie engleză şi germană

Carolina DODU-SAVCA, conf. univ., dr., Universitatea Liberă Internațională din
Moldova, Chișinău, Perspectiva literară a cunoașterii: autognosis versus mathesis (sec. XVI – sec. XIX)
Oxana CHIRA, conf. univ., dr., Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi, Verben der Nahrungsaufnahme des Deutschen und des Rumänischen: eine lexikalisch-kulturelle

1. Lingvistica generală;
2. Literatura universală;
3. Metodica / didactica limbilor străine;
4. Metodica / didactica limbii materne.

Programul conferinței: aici
Mai multe detalii puteți afla pe pagina Facebook: Link
American and British Culture: Week 3
Culture Symposium
Our students have brilliantly done the last task in their course of American and British Culture, designed by Stephan Houghton, and co-taught by Emma Lane, Viorica Cebotaros and Viorica Condrat.
What can we say? We’ve discovered so many interesting things related to American and British culture. This experience helped the learners:
realize the complexity and diversity of the studied culture;
see the well-known events from various perspectives;
work in groups in an online setting;
create engaging content;
empathize and identify commonalities with those whom they might have perceived as others.
If we were asked briefly to describe the impressions our learners had in the last week, then we would say:
One of our learners confessed that it was hard not to cry when researching the story of Native Americans’ Trail of Tears.
Another mentioned that they managed to develop their cultural awareness, and be less judgmental when dealing with what is considered ‘typically British’.
The issue of the American Dream raised a bit of controversy, as the learners realized that there are totally opposing views related to this concept.
We definitely appreciated the red lipstick of Queen Elizabeth I as well as her pose when presenting the great monarchs of the UK.
It became clearer the impact the American Civil War had on the way the country functions at present.
We would like to thank Stephan Houghton for having designed such an interesting and engaging course in the online setting. We would also like to thank the other teachers who were involved in the course. Above all, we would like to thank our students who proved they could do a great job. They spent their free time becoming more culturally aware and knowledgeable. Well-done!
Our students have brilliantly done the last task in their course of American and British Culture, designed by Stephan Houghton, and co-taught by Emma Lane, Viorica Cebotaros and Viorica Condrat.
What can we say? We’ve discovered so many interesting things related to American and British culture. This experience helped the learners:

If we were asked briefly to describe the impressions our learners had in the last week, then we would say:

We would like to thank Stephan Houghton for having designed such an interesting and engaging course in the online setting. We would also like to thank the other teachers who were involved in the course. Above all, we would like to thank our students who proved they could do a great job. They spent their free time becoming more culturally aware and knowledgeable. Well-done!
Week 2: ABC updates
Our adventure keeps going. So, here we are, determined and motivated to get the most of this unique experience! Just like during the first week, our learners benefited from the support and feedback given by Stephan Houghton, who is on a teaching staff mobility at USARB, and Emma Lane, our ETA within the Fulbright program.
This week our learners tried their best to report on an American or British issue in an unusual way. They took on the roles shared in a news broadcasting team. This means we were able to listen to a news program produced by our learners. We had an anchor and field reporters reporting on the selected topic.
The task was challenging, but that only added to our learners’ motivation. At first, they researched and prepared the script for their news broadcast. Then they recorded and edited the chosen story. The final presentation took place on Friday when our learners showed their news broadcast to the rest of the class.
We’re proud of our learners, and are extremely happy that they can benefit from such a unique experience.
This week our learners tried their best to report on an American or British issue in an unusual way. They took on the roles shared in a news broadcasting team. This means we were able to listen to a news program produced by our learners. We had an anchor and field reporters reporting on the selected topic.
The task was challenging, but that only added to our learners’ motivation. At first, they researched and prepared the script for their news broadcast. Then they recorded and edited the chosen story. The final presentation took place on Friday when our learners showed their news broadcast to the rest of the class.
We’re proud of our learners, and are extremely happy that they can benefit from such a unique experience.
American and British Culture: Week 1
The first week set the right spirit to start our journey of discovering and understanding the cultural differences in American and British culture. Our learners did a great job managing to design posters related to one aspect of American or British culture. They communicated and collaborated throughout the process, looking for ways of presenting the American and British symbols, holidays, sports and capital cities in an interesting way. Their learning was scaffolded by two native speaker instructors,
Stephan Houghton and
Emma Lane as well as two instructors from our department,
Viorica Cebotaros and Viorica Condrat.
Our learners did a great job. They managed to realize the set goals:

Our learners did a great job. They managed to realize the set goals:
- They got into groups and researched the chosen topic.
- They divided the responsibilities among themselves and collaborated while designing their posters.
- They looked for ways of making their presentations interesting.
- They were creative, inspired, and engaged in the process.
- They learned new things and enjoyed the process.
When asked what group work means to them they said it is like dancing or being in a relationship, where being open to the otherness in the partner is essential when it comes to coping with challenges. They were happy to make new friends and learn new things.
Course on American and British Culture
Novemebr 2 – Novemebr 18
Stephan Houghton, the staff mobility for teaching from the University of Reunion, France, has designed a course meant to help our learners develop their intercultural competence. During the tree weeks, Stephan will challenge our learners to engage in group work to do a series of tasks related to American and British topics. Our learners will have the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and create. The process seems to be fun and engaging. They will get the necessary scaffolding from two native speaker instructors, Stephan Houghton and our Fulbright ETA, Emma Lane, as well as two instructors from our department, Viorica Cebotaros and Viorica Condrat.

English Conversation Club
The English and German Philology Department has welcomed the English teaching assistant within the Fulbright Program Emma Lane. Emma is a young professional willing to help and assist our teachers of English from our department as well as help our learners gain fluency in English. Together with our Department she organizes the English Conversation Club that is scheduled to take place every Thursday at 3PM. Depending on the COVID-19 situation, the sessions are going to be organized either online or face-to-face in Room 401.